Thursday, February 20, 2014


I've mentioned quite a few times now about the tutoring program I am involved with on Wednesday afternoons. I started at the beginning of the school year and we had about 15-20 kids coming at that time. The kids are committed and every week they are waiting eagerly for us to pick them up. I love their energy and excitement & I always head home exhausted, but so so full. This week there were TONS of kids ... I am unsure of the official number but probably close to 50. They just kept piling into cars and we had to do a second trip to get everyone. It's incredible how this program is growing so quickly & how word spreads. 

The children are bringing their friends and the parents are telling their neighbors. Word is out y'all. The coolest thing of being part of this program is to see the relationships building. I'm learning about these kids and their families, their favorite things and their struggles. I'm learning the best ways to encourage them and how to become a part of their lives regularly. And you know what? These kids are learning too. Yes they're learning English, Math and Science, but they are learning about us and their heavenly Father, about friendship and loving others. 

Next week, we're growing even bigger. We are beginning an ESL class for the parents while their children are in tutoring. This is huge! The parents are thrilled & I'm excited to see relationships build between the parents and church members. Big things are happening & I am excited to be a tiny part of it.

Also, best story ever from tutoring (I don't think I've shared this before)... our youth pastor was sharing a story with the kids about Jesus & that one time he even walked on water. From a corner of the room, I heard a little first grader say "he's a badass!!" I thought what did he say? And then he repeated it again. "Jesus is a badass!" I could not stop laughing & honestly, I was bursting with joy because I think he got it. & I'm positive that God was laughing & shaking his head yes. Yes, my son, Jesus is a badass.

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